
  • It is the voice of spirit and the language of the soul
  • It is a gift that is inherently yours and will become unique to you
  • It is the ability to acquire knowledge, without proof or understanding of how the knowledge was acquired
  • It is closely related to imagination and creativity or the right side of the brain
  • It is a discipline, a practice, and a muscle that needs to be exercised daily
  • It is pure trust

Intuition is the language of the soul and can derive from the divine, source, universe or god (however you choose to call it). It is the knowledge that there is an infinite source of being that can be accessed at any given time by any living thing. The infinite is infinite and for the sake of this course, we will refer to it as the divine. 

The divine is capable of making spiritual magic, for all who want to use it, and this magic happens through our intuition. Intuition is that inner knowing, the inner voice, and that gut instinct that has been your inner compass during your lifetime. Pause and think of a time, good or bad, when you used your inner voice, inner knowing, or gut feeling to help you in a circumstance. What happened?

This is intuition and it is accessed via the creative right side of the brain, where your imagination lies. The divine uses the power of the subconscious mind to bridge together with the creative side of your right brain to give you those subtle intuitive impulses of signs, symbols, messages, or knowing feelings.  

The brain has 2 sides, logic, and creativity. The right side is the creative side and the place we will be focusing all of our attention during this course. The left is the logical side of the mind and we will do our best to avoid it. Why do we want to avoid it?

This demanding and logic-driven side of the brain likes to analyze your thought process. In other words, tries to talk you out of believing anything that can not be scientifically proven. We do not want you to analyze or control any of the outcomes of any of your divine messages. This journey is about trust and it is a must. 

The biggest challenge most people think is this is a gift for a selected few people. This is not true. Some may have heightened senses and can access more but we all came from the same source of creation. Which makes us all equals. Energy is a big part of this connection as we are all made of energy. Energy is also magnetic and this keeps us interconnected with this source.  

How does intuition work?

You must remove fear from your spiritual quest and focus on love, guidance, and healing. This powerful connection is inside of you, it is invisible and it knows it is connected to the source.

It will work with “The law of attraction” and whatever you give your attention to. Pay attention from here on because it is time to give your full attention to the divine. Your gifts will soon emerge with this self-disciplined of practice and intent. From here on, set your intentions!

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